
A little about me and this blog.

I initially started this in 2008 when I was in-between jobs. Back then my girls were in high school and I was looking ahead to an empty nest. The blog name came from the almost-daily repetition of the phrase “Call me when you get there” while trying to keep track of two teenage girls.

Today, I’ve entered my 60s and have been working full-time at my dream job for the past 13 years. As an empty nester, I’m at the stage where I don’t have to keep track of everyone. It’s more about staying in touch, staying close—with my husband, two daughters, one son-in-law, two grandsons, my siblings, or my friends. It’s also about being open to the possibilities that are ahead and what we can learn from one another as we travel new paths.

Life is a journey, and there are plenty of chances to help each other along the way. We don’t have to go it alone. Whether that means having a deeper connection with each other or being deeply connected with the One who gives us life in the first place—our heavenly Father. And that’s what this blog is ultimately about. By sharing my life with you here, I hope you’ll be encouraged; and maybe you’ll laugh with me a little, or even share a few tears. Either way, let’s enjoy this crazy, wonderful, quirky, inspiring, mundane, frustrating, beautiful journey called Life, together.


P.S. I apologize for the ugly ads. At some point I contracted a bug on my hosted WordPress site and couldn’t get rid of it. So, I started over with a non-hosted version and have included the best-of posts here while continuing to add fresh content. 

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